Our Hope

By sharing our story and our experiences with this birth injury we will hopefully educate people. Knowledge is power. Our hope is that you will read this blog, share it with your friends, and they will share with their friends. Then in some small way we have prevented other families from having to go through what we have.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Back in Philly!

We left home at 4 am Tuesday morning to catch the 6 am flight out of Peoria and landed in Philadelphia a little before noon. The flights went great because the noise from the plane puts Jadon to sleep everytime. He is asleep before the plane is even airborne. He woke up cyring on the descent into Philly, but everyone on the plane was complaining about their ears on that flight. The pilot seemed to be in a hurry to get us on the ground and decended rapidly.

Dr. Kozin saw a little more movement in Jadon's fingers than at the last visit, but no progress on the arm. He reminded us that we really shouldn't expect to see anything for two more months. Jadon's lungs were checked on the moving xray and both are moving semetrically. At the first appointment, his lungs were not equall, with the right not quite breathing as deeply. The phrenic nerve crosses the brachial plexes and was damaged a little at the time of his birth. That damage seems to have healed now. The best news of this visit is that they don't need to see us for 6 months!

The therapy department watched him crawl and listened to our concerns about injuring his right wrist but insisted that he will not injure the brachial plexus (the nerves). A wrist brace could help to keep the hand streached out and to help Jadon to realize the position it should be held in. They made him the brace pictured below. We chose red because it just seemed better than the white or black options. So that this would be clear to the only Cardinal's fan we know, we chose blue straps to make this a Cub's brace. Or, Jadon may want to call it his Superman brace. The new brace is pictured below.

He is napping now at the Ronald McDonald House. We don't have to be back to the airport until 5:30 this evening. The picture below was taken during our layover in Chicago yesterday. He was all over that waiting area. Walking along the chairs, waving and smiling at people, trying to be the center of attention. He really liked standing at the window and watching the trucks drive under.

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